Do you have Spring Fever?!
We are ringing in our first Hot List of 2018 with bright, fun, colorful and irresistible styles! Because you have been known to break the internet by shopping this quarterly list, we brought it in BIG with our favorite styles for the upcoming season, and you seriously don’t want to miss it!
Our team came together and are featuring 200 boutiques, one of our biggest lists yet!
In the past we’ve created this list monthly, but this year we are moving to seasonal lists, pulled from more than 5,000 boutiques worldwide! This list is a style guide of sorts, featuring trends to love from both transitional spring, and traditional spring styles.
Find these adorable pieces at the boutiques featured in the list, or find a boutique near you to love and support year round, we love the #ShopSmall and #BoutiqueLove movements!
In this seasonal feature, we are eyeing lots of yellows, violets, floral hues, sleeve details, two-piece sets, tons of overalls, denim skirts, off the shoulder tops, single or double ruffle, gingham, and nods to boho and vintage roots.
You’ll even spy a few kids looks in this spring fever list.
Ready? We hope you love this Hot List of spring transition styles!

If you loved our picks for this Hot List, we’d love to see you around! We post daily boutique styles on our Instagram, and make sure you have joined our fast growing boutique shopping group on Facebook, Shop The Best Boutiques!