SoSis Boutique

SoSis is a boutique with clothes for fashion-forward minds looking for breaking trends, signature styles & creative ideas that feed the soul.

Half Placket Button Swing Mini Dress Solid Collared V-neck Sleeveless Mini Dress Spring Vest with Trim Cozy Chic Pants Cozy Chic Cardigan School Spirit Orange Bear Mascot Signature Tee (PRE-ORDER) Let Them Eat King Cake Signature Tee (PRE-ORDER) School Spirit Classic Tee with tinsel Script TIGERS (PRE-ORDER) Not So Cropped, Crop Signature Tee, Beige Original SoSis Signature Tee (Navy) Stylish Metal Belt Jingle Belle Hand Painted Leather Earrings Saint Benedict Necklace 18" Silver/Gold Mixed Metal Chunky PaperClip Chain Necklace Bear Pendant on Gold Chain 18" Silver Chain with Gold Pendant 20"

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